Carbohydrates and Weight Issues

When we feel down or overwhelmed there is a tendency to reach for our personal comfort foods, which oftentimes include carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates that are part of our comfort food system turn to glucose (sugar). Almost everything we consume turns to sugar, which puts too much sugar into the bloodstream. When there is an overabundance that is not used by the cells, the remainder becomes acidic. This is why diabetics can experience neuropathy and blindness. The acidity eats away at the nerve endings and, because the person cannot sense discomfort or pain, there can be damage to the feet. This can result in ulcers on the feet, especially around the ankles, due to poor circulation and dead nerves.

Aside from the sugar issue and its detrimental effects upon the body, our comfort foods can also cause weight gain. Excess weight creates cardiovascular issues, and heart disease is the number one cause of death in America.

If you, or a family member, have health issues, the first place to look for the cause is in the refrigerator and pantry. Take notice of any refined foods and replace them with whole grain substitutes (flour, rice, pasta, bread). Going on a “sugar fast” for a short time can help to lessen one’s desire for sugary foods. If you normally drink soda, try plain sparkling water or half fruit juice, half sparkling water. If you eat desserts, try having some alternatives like yogurt or nuts. It may take several days to get over the desire for sweets or you may find that it really doesn’t take very long. There are also some alternative sweeteners such as stevia, lo han and xylitol.

Read the labels on your foods carefully. A supermarket may claim to be an organic grocery store, but they may sell conventional and locally grown produce that have been sprayed with pesticides and grown in soil treated with herbicides and other chemical additives.

Eat as much organically grown fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. At least you’ll know that they are not sprayed and they are not GMO (genetically modified). Anything that says “conventional” has most likely been treated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers and has not been certified organic.

Another place to consider is the medicine cabinet. Are you on medications? If so, how many and for what? Have you thoroughly investigated alternatives? Someone will tell me they have a health problem and claim that they have tried everything. I will mention three or four different things and their response is, “No, I haven’t tried that.” So, if you think you have tried everything, maybe you really haven’t.

Remember, there are no panaceas or magic bullets for health issues. But, when you give your body what it needs in meaningful amounts, there will be results.

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