Top 4 Senior Health Tips for Staying Active and Engaged at Any Age

You’re never too old, and it’s never too late, to do activities for your physical, emotional and mental health. You can enrich your life at any age—and start at any time!

Whether you’re an older adult or love an older adult in your life, here are some senior health tips to lift you up and help you feel great through the golden years.


1. Stay Active

Staying active can make a huge difference in the later years of life.

Find activities you enjoy that get the heart pumping and help maintain strength, flexibility and balance. Regular physical activity helps seniors with:

  • Weight maintenance
  • Better sleep patterns
  • Reducing stress
  • Controlling or preventing illnesses
  • Avoiding falls or issues related to weakness
2. Eat Well

Along with exercise, eating nutritious foods can help prevent lifestyle- and aging-related diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, type II diabetes, and more.

Eat more of these foods:

  • Colorful fruits and vegetables (think of it as eating the rainbow!)
  • Beans and legumes like lentils, black beans, or chickpeas
  • Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain sprouted breads
  • Healthy fats like nuts or nut butters and seeds
  • Lean meats, seafood, and eggs
  • Organic dairy products or non-dairy substitutes like almond milk or yogurt (look for options fortified with calcium and vitamin D)

Eat less of these foods:

  • White breads, pastas, crackers, or other refined carbohydrates
  • Added sugars in foods and drinks like sodas, juices, cookies, and baked goods

Older adults may also need to supplement with or increase their intake of vitamin D and calcium (especially senior women) as well as vitamin B12, fiber, and potassium, according to WebMD.

Plus, physical exercise and a balanced diet can make you feel better about yourself and your health at any age.

3. Get Involved in the Community

Staying socially involved in the community around you is a great way to stay sharp and connect with those in need around you.

Here are some ideas:

  • Reach out to local charities. Most local charities are always in need of more help. For example, you could offer to help with hand-written “thank you” notes to donors, feeding or loving on pets at shelters, or helping to hand out food at a soup kitchen.
  • Look for volunteer activities. Some organizations will plan events specifically for older adults to give back to the community, such as collecting food or clothing donations, planting flowers or gardens, or reading to children at the local library.
  • Contribute to a bake sale. If you enjoy making food for others, cook or bake something to donate.
  • Get involved in your church. If your faith is a big part of your life (or you want it to be), speak with those in your church and offer to donate your time.
4. Nurture Your Mental and Spiritual Health

You can experience stress and anxiety at any age. Seniors often deal with health issues, loss of loved ones, and financial concerns more than other ages. But taking care of yourself can help make life more manageable and enjoyable!

Besides eating well, staying active and staying involved, incorporating yoga or meditation into your daily routine can help manage stress while improving mindfulness and positive thinking. Mindfulness makes it easier to accept and cope with changes that occur in the senior years.

See if you can take a local class with friends or family in your age group. In addition, surround yourself with people and things you enjoy. You deserve a full life during this time, and it all starts with caring for you and your needs.

For more Healthy Aging support, we offer a range of products to support older adults in their health journey!



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