The Wellness Report


The female body’s ability to procreate and give birth is the result of an intricate combination of chemical, physical and emotional interchanges within the body. As women mature from puberty, their bodies establish a cycle of care for the reproductive system which includes a monthly maintenance program of cleansing and the redevelopment of the hormonal components essential to the system.

young woman’s first physical manifestation of the cycle, known as the menarche, is the onset of the life giving process. The female reproductive system has a time-limited span of fertility between menarche and menopause, menopause being the cessation of the menses.

The physiological reason for the onset of the cycle is the preparation of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. Fertility declines with age, possibly as a result of less frequent ovulation and the declining ability of the uterine tubes and uterus to support the young embryo. The primary events in the cyclical process are controlled by hormones and the physical manifestations of female menopause are thought to be brought on by the decrease of estrogen production.

Menopause is a natural phenomena that occurs, in most cases, between 40 to 50 years of age and happens to both men and women. In women the ovaries become less responsive to the stimulation of gonadotropic hormones resulting in a decline in the production of estrogen and progesterone, which interrupts the normal development of the primordial follicles in the ovaries.

Throughout a woman’s reproductive life, these primordial follicles grow into primary follicles and ovulate, the "burn out" occurs because the primordial follicles decrease with age. As they decrease in number, the ability of the ovaries to produce estrogen also decreases.

The female hormone estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries. However, the adrenal glands also produce estrogen and progesterone, and healthy adrenals may account for the ability of some women to experience fewer symptoms associated with the menopausal transition.

More about menopause
Nutrients, Diet & Lifestyle


CALCIUM is an essential mineral which is necessary for healthy, strong bones. Adequate calcium circulation is needed for muscle use, blood clotting, sending nerve impulses, and secreting various hormones.  If there is not enough calcium in the blood for muscle use, calcium is “borrowed” from the bone. According to the National Institute of Health, a healthy premenopausal woman should have about 1,000 to 1,200 mgs per day. The Institute further suggests that a postmenopausal woman consume 1,200 to 1,500 mgs per day to help avoid bone loss.

VITAMIN C plays a role in the formation of collagen, the organic portion of bone matrix which gives bone its tensile strength.  It promotes iron absorption and accumulation in bone marrow and is important in promoting normal muscle and nerve activity.

VITAMIN E is an antioxidant that protects fat-soluble vitamins, and contributes to the normal structure and functioning of the nervous system.

VITAMIN B-6 serves as the coenzyme in reactions necessary for the formation of neurotransmitters and neurohormones related to the functioning of the nervous system.  It also serves as a coenzyme for a number of reactions essential to the metabolism of amino acids.  Vitamin B-6 plays a role in nerve and muscle growth and digestion.

PANTOTHENIC ACID contributes to energy functions. This vitamin is a constituent of coenzyme A and therefore has many metabolic roles.  It also plays a role in production of antibodies, in the healthy maintenance of the central nervous system, and in the synthesis of sterols and steroid hormones.

IODINE (KELP) is an essential trace element that is an integral part of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones help to regulate metabolism and activity of the nervous system. Kelp provides a rich source of iodide.

Dietary Recommendations

● Eat as much raw food as possible.

● Add broccoli, kelp, salmon and fish to your diet.

● Avoid animal and dairy products.

● Drink plenty of water.

● Avoid salt, alcohol, sugar, caffeine and spicy foods.


● Do get moderate exercise regularly.

● Avoid stress & sustained tension.


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